
Everyone in your business is a salesperson, no exception. How can that be you ask? Before we explore that notion, what comes up for you when you hear the word sales?

When we begin work with business owners we so often hear of discomfort with the concept of selling. ‘But I’m not comfortable with selling, it’s manipulative, it’s underhanded, it’s just not me!’ is a common response.

The word ‘sell’ was derived from the words ‘to serve’. If you take a mindset of ‘to serve’, your business will go to new level of success. Your customers and clients will love you for it. And when your clients and customers love you, they will do your selling for you. Would you like that for your business?

How do you sell then? Having studied sales strategies over the last 8 years, which started when I appointed my first business coach, I have observed the common themes that run through effective selling. I could spend hours, even days going over sales strategies and processes with you. We can only scratch the surface for the purpose of this article.

So let’s take one of the most important aspects of selling. I have introduced the notion that selling is to serve. What do you need to do then to serve? To serve anyone you must be crystal clear on their needs and wants. How do you get clear? Ask questions! Lots of questions!

How often do you go to buy something and you feel that the person is ‘selling’ you? By that I mean you don’t feel like they really understand what you want, they just try to sell something to you just so they can put your cash in their bank account.

On the other hand how do you feel when someone asks you lots of questions to get to know you and what you really want? Do you feel like they know you? Do you feel like they have your best interest at heart? Do you begin to like them? Do you feel like they are being of service to you? I’d suggest the answer to all of those questions would be a resounding yes!

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